About Us

Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem

Allah Almighty declares in the Quran, 'He Who excelled in the creation of all that He created.' (Surah As-Sajda Ayat 7). In another ayat, He says, 'We have certainly created man in the best of stature.' (Surah At-Tin Ayat 4). This beauty at the human level was manifested in the most perfect form in our beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), whom Allah sent as a mercy to the worlds. He mentioned in a hadith that Allah (SWT), the possessor of infinite grace and generosity, is beautiful and He loves beauty. This beauty, inherent to Him, is reflected in everything He has created, encompassing the entire realm of existence.

In the light of the ayats of the Qur'an and the teachings of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), we draw inspiration from divine beauty and wisdom. Our journey is guided by the profound understanding that every creation is a manifestation of Allah's infinite grace and mercy, and we aim to leave such traces in each of our works.

As the Minnoor family, we offer you unique and meaningful works by combining our extensive experience in metal craftsmanship and the values of Islam. From the graceful curves of Arabic calligraphy to the mesmerizing geometry of intricate patterns, each piece resonates with the exquisite beauty of Islamic art.

Verily, you, whom our Lord cares about, are very valuable and precious. You deserve the most beautiful works of art, because our Lord made His art speak for you and adorned the sky. This truth is stated in the 16th verse of the Surah Al-Hijr as follows: "And We have placed within the heaven great stars and have beautified it for the observers."

Inspiring by Allah (SWT) who has adorned the heavens with celestial wonders, we seek to adorn your homes and hearts, nourishing your souls with a profound artistic experience. Driven by a genuine sense of responsibility towards our customers, we proudly endeavor to disseminate the beauty of Islam through handcrafted masterpieces to every corner of the world.

With heartfelt love, greetings, and prayers, we extend our sincerest regards to the esteemed Islamic community that shares our noble aspirations.


Minnoor Family